Our Services
We provide our customers with a number of effective digital marketing services and a custom approach. We learn your needs, your market and then we build an affordable package that aims to scale your business fast.
We also believe that business success is all about customer acquisition, sales and return-on-investment (ROI). Traffic alone is irrelevant. That is why, our customer acquisition services include a high-level marketing and conversion optimization advisory related to your business along with the creation of an optimized micro-website (a landing page), focused entirely on converting targeted traffic into sales or leads with a high ROI.

How It Works
Customer Acquisition on Steroids
Every day millions of people open Google and search for
products or services exactly like yours, they want you – but can they see you?
Today, SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click) are the most effective tools any business owner can have. Though SEO requires months of hard work to appear on the first page of Google, the return on investment is outstanding and can skyrocket your business, while sending you virtually unlimited free traffic from search engines.
The PPC on another hand, though sounds expensive, can bring you on the first page of Google in minutes, and often can cost you less per client acquisition than any other marketing method! It is very targeted, like no other tactic. Compared to a traditional advertisement, you only pay when someone, who is looking for your product or service, clicks on your perfect ad or calls you directly.
However, targeted traffic without conversion (hot leads or sales) is nothing. That is why the next step is to have your potential client to take action - either purchase from you or call you or leave contact information. It is where a conversion-optimized landing page is a must. We build it for you or optimize your own, and A/B test it to achieve maximum results in a short period of time.

Why Eddans?
It is simple. We bring our clients hot leads or new sales at low cost and fast.
Eddans is a Chicago-based boutique marketing firm, focused on small and medium-sized businesses. Our team consists of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Conversion Ratio Optimization (CRO) professionals with an extended experience in CRO, SEM, and Social Media.
We focus on Return-On-Investment (ROI). Compared to other
marketing agencies, we do not focus on just traffic increase or brand awareness, but on sales and customer acquisition. It is achieved by identifying your ideal customer, targeting these customers thru effective Google and Facebook Ads and leading them to conversion-optimized landing pages, we create for you.

Our rates are affordable, fixed and straightforward. We treat each client as a friend and as a partner.